The Healthy Seas Podcast

Exploring Ocean Litigation and Rights with Dr. Anna von Rebay, Ep. 18

Crystal DiMiceli Season 1 Episode 18

Dr. Anna von Rebay is the founder and CEO of Ocean Vision Legal (OVL), the first law firm worldwide entirely specializing in Ocean Protection.  OVL focuses on the enforcement of existing obligations to protect the marine environment (Ocean Litigation) and advocates for new laws to provide better protection standards for the Ocean (Ocean Rights).

Understanding Ocean Litigation

Ocean litigation is a term coined by Dr. von Rebay, inspired by the growing climate litigation movement. In our discussion, she explains what ocean litigation means and how it could transform the way we protect our oceans. This innovative approach encompasses legal actions and frameworks aimed at addressing environmental harm and promoting marine protection and conservation.

Connecting Climate and Ocean Litigation

We explore the connection between climate litigation and ocean litigation, highlighting how the fight against climate change intersects with efforts to safeguard our oceans. Dr. von Rebay discusses the parallels between these movements and how lessons learned from climate litigation can be applied to the ocean context.

Rights of Nature and the Rights of Marine Species

One of the most intriguing aspects of our conversation is the Rights of Nature movement and its application to marine species. Dr. von Rebay shares her work on whale rights in collaboration with the Maori, illustrating how this concept can lead to a more equitable and sustainable approach to the way we think, see. and protect our oceans.

Exploring Ecocide and Human Rights

We also touch on ecocide and its implications for ocean protection. Dr. von Rebay emphasizes the need to view environmental destruction as a serious crime and discusses human rights connections with ocean rights. She shares how her early passion for human rights and courtroom advocacy influenced her journey into ocean protection.

Reimagining Ocean Rights and Nature's Intrinsic Value

Beyond litigation, Dr. von Rebay discusses the second branch of Ocean Vision Legal: ocean rights. This initiative focuses on improving laws and challenging the traditional view of nature as a resource. Instead, Dr. von Rebay advocates for recognizing nature's intrinsic value, promoting a deeper respect for the oceans and their ecosystems.

Join us as we explore these fascinating topics with Dr. Anna von Rebay and gain insights into the evolving landscape of ocean protection.

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Healthy Seas is a marine conservation organization whose mission is to tackle the ghost fishing phenomenon and turn this waste into an opportunity for a more circular economy. They do this through clean-ups, prevention, education, and working with partners who recycle and repurpose this material. The podcast is hosted by Crystal DiMiceli.

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